Wednesday 14 October 2009


Before I begin filming I need to organize where I am going to have each of my scenes located. I will need to make sure that my locations are appropriate for the themes of the scenes. I will also need to make sure that all the ‘mise en scene’ can be placed appropriately and there is enough room for my actors to stand and move. My film contains five separate locations.

Shots 2 – 5 and shot 15 of my film will be located within a drama room in my school. I decided upon this location as it will be easy for me to access and there is enough room for me to construct a stage. Also within this room I have the use of the specialist lighting which will come in use as the shots are based in a men’s club type area.

Shots 6 & 7 and 17 – 20 will take place in a friends bedroom. This is a room I have chosen as it has the right dimensions and will be able to have the appearance necessary to create an illusion of being backstage.

Shots 8 – 14 and 21 – 34 I will shoot also shoot in my friends house. This is because it contains all the rooms I need with simple decoration. Also the stairway is on set of stairs straight down which will work perfectly for shot 10.

Shot 35 is a single handheld shot which I will film in Southminster. I have chosen to do this here as I know for a fact that not many cars are ever parked in the street I wish to use which leaves the way clear for me to film.

Shots 36 – 43 will be filmed in Southminster graveyard. I chose this location as it is well sized for what I want to film there and also as it is near the street there are lampposts exuding light nearby but it is also surrounded by trees to create shadows and block views of surroundings which would not wish to be included within my film.

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