Thursday 15 October 2009

Subsidiary Task - Poster

I began creating my poster by opening a new page in Adobe Photoshop. I sized my poster to be A3 as I found this to be the traditional size for a film poster. I decided to have a black background for my poster as looking at my research this was the most common background colour used within posters of the same genres. I then created the text for my film title. I did this using the text tool and selecting Pristina as my font and using a size of 120.45pt. I coloured my text in a dark red as this went with the conventions I found in my research and it stands out clearly agains the background. I decided to give my title more of an effect I would add a slight outer glow to the text therefore making it clearer. I then placed my text in the bottom left corner of my poster. I added the tag line for my film poster, "she knows what you've been doing" and placed this at the top center of my poster. As conventions say that my film title is to be the largest piece of text on my poster I made this 50.19pt. I had this text in the same colour and font as my film title to add consistancey. The last piece of text I added was the list of actors, director and producer. I made this text white so it was not the same as the title and tag line. The font I used was Gill Sans MT in size 30.11pt. I placed this in the bottom right hand corner of my poster. I may have to move all my text however when I later add my photo.

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