Thursday 10 September 2009

Subsidiary Task - Poster Research

To help with my own poster design I am researching existing posters of the same genres to see if I could find any conventions amongst them.

Poster for ‘Shutter’

This poster uses dark colors like brown black red. Also, white is used for text to make it clear on top of the background. The heading of the movie is quite small in the bottom right of the poster. At the top of the poster are names of films that the director has also produced. The main aspect of the poster is a close up of a persons face made up of other pictures. With the face in the picture being made from lighter pictures it makes it stand against the back clearly with the eyes and mouth also dark, making them dominant features.

Poster for ‘Stay Alive’

This poster is mostly a red and black background. The text on the poster is in white making it stand out against the darker background. The main focus of this poster is a close up of hands in chains holding a game remote. This reflects the slogan at the top of the poster which says: ‘You Die In The Game – You Die For Real’. The slogan helps to reflect the themes of the film and give the audience an insight of what is to come.

Poster for ‘The Exorcist’

This poster has a plain white background which is a close up of someone’s face connoting that they are somewhat ghost like. The text for the poster is all at the base of the page in black fonts. Consuming the top and center of the page is a picture of an eye from which you can see finger tips as if someone were coming out of the eye.

Poster for ‘The Eye’

This poster has a plain white background which is a close up of someone’s face connoting that they are somewhat ghost like. The text for the poster is all at the base of the page in black fonts. Consuming the top and center of the page is a picture of an eye from which you can see finger tips as if someone were coming out of the eye.

Poster for ‘The Spirit’

This poster uses a black back drop and close up of half of a woman’s face. The hat and glasses she is wearing connotes that she is some type of a detective. He face is a lighter color than the background being in grey allowing the text placed upon her cheek to be black. The other text found on the poster is white and red.

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