Thursday 10 September 2009

Questionnaire Results

Are you…
Male – 48% Female 52%

What age category do you fall into…
10 – 20 – 48% 21 – 30 – 44% 31 – 40 – 8% 41 + - 0%

Within a horror/film noir what theme would interest you most…
Revenge – 40% Psychological – 44% Jealousy – 16%

Within which time period would you like the film to be based…
Past – 72% Present Day – 20% Futuristic – 8%

What location would you find best for a horror/film noir…
Graveyard/Church – 44% Forest – 24% A Characters House – 16% Hotel – 8%

How many main characters would you like in the film…
1 – 12% 2 – 24% 3 – 52%

What type of ‘bad’ character would you like to see…
Male – 8% Female – 56% Supernatural – 24%

Would you like the villain of the film to be made obvious…
Yes – 28% No – 72%

Would you like the editing to use straight cuts between scenes or make use of fading techniques…
Straight Cuts – 24% Fading Techniques – 76%

Would you like the mise-en-scene (everything on the screen) to be simple or intertwined with the plot of the film (e.g. clues to a murder)…
Simple – 20% Intertwined – 80%

What type of music would you prefer to see in the film…
Classic with Lyrics – 4% Classic without Lyrics -24% Modern with Lyrics – 28% Modern without Lyrics – 44%

Would you like to see inter-titles within the film…
Yes – 44% No – 56%

How would you like the film to end…
Conclusively – 24% On A Cliffhanger – 76%

- From my questionnaire results I found that there is not any significant difference between each gender in my demographic. Also I found that most of my demographic are aged from 10 to 20 or 21-30.
- When asked about the theme that would like to be viewed in my film, ‘psychological’ came out with the most votes and ‘revenge’ with one less vote than that. This means that in my film I may combine the two of them as they were so closely selected.
- Due to my questionnaire I have decided that I will be using a graveyard/church location within my film, although I will most probably use a mix of different locations.
- 13 people within my questionnaire checked the selection for the film to have 3 main characters which was more than the amount of people that chose 2 or 1 main characters. By far the most people selected for the ‘bad’ character in the movie to be a female human. It was also made clear in the questionnaire that people do not wish this character to be made obvious through the film.
- Within the editing of my film I will be using fading techniques opposed to just straight cuts due to my questionnaire results. Also my demographic wish the mise en scene involved to be intertwined with the plot of the film.
- For my film I will be using modern music, a mixture of with and without music. Also I will not be using inter-titles as I previously found are used within many silent films. Finally my movie will be ending on a cliff hanger and not conclusively.

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