Thursday 10 September 2009

Storyboard Ideas

As I will next have to start making my story board I decided to come up with some ideas that coincide with the specification that I earlier developed. I made notes underneath each point on how I could use the ideas.

- Must contain a certain psychological theme.
Paranoia, Mistrust, Bleakness…
- Must use modern music throughout the film.
Rock, Gothic…
- Must end on a cliff hanger.
The killer gets away, Someone may or may not die…
- The villain should not be made obvious throughout.
Have an alternate character to villain for suspicion to fall upon.
- Should be 3 main characters.
The villain, Accomplice, Target, Detective, Scapegoat…
- Should use fading techniques when changing the scene.
Change the lighting, blur techniques…
- The film should have a graveyard/church location within it.
Grave/churchyard in Southminster.
- The villain should be a female character.
Beautiful but promiscuous, amoral, double-dealing and seductive ‘femme fatale’
- Must be set in the past. 1940’s or 1950’s – The main time at which film noir were being made

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